Home Fab Academy Notes Unsorted References (Powered by StrapDown.js) <!-- Markdown text entered here --> ## Unsorted Stuff * [AVR Programming](avr/avrprog.html) - How to setup and program AVR MCUs * [Calibre Tips & Tricks](calibre.html) - an e-book management system. * [Eagle PCB](eaglepcb.html) * [Electronic Load Tester](eloadtest/eloadtest.html) * [Fusion 360](fusion360.html) * [Ideas for projects](ideas.html) * [KeePass](keepass.html) * [MacOSX Notes](macosx/macosx.html) * [Paracord Projects](paracord/paracord.html) * [Ubuntu Notes](ubuntu/ubuntu.html) ## To write on I need to open pages on these: #### Keepass (just a placeholder) * Peter Smittenaar - [KeePass, why and how to use it effectively](http://www.petersmittenaar.com/keepass-why-and-how-to-use-it-effectively.php) * [KeePass with Google Drive](https://sites.google.com/site/welcometodroid/drive/drive-keepass) <!-- End of markdown text -->